Benutzer:Thorben/Roll Through The Ages

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Roll Through The Ages
Verlag: Gryphon Games
Autor: Matt Leacock
Grafik: Paul E. Niemeyer
Erscheinungsjahr: 2008
Typ: Würfelspiel
Mitspieler: 1 bis 4
Altersempfehlung: ab 8 Jahre
Dauer: 30 bis 45 Minuten

Build a thriving civilization - in under an hour!

Collect goods, assign workers to build cities and erect monuments, advance your civilization through cultural and scientific developments, but don't forget to harvest enough food to feed your growing population.

Grab those dice and Roll Through the Ages! in this fast-paced, addictive and strategic game.


  • 4 Pegboards
  • 24 Pegs
  • 7 Dice
  • 1 Pad of Score Sheets
  • 1 Rulebook